Bhilangana III Hydro Power Project: how 24 MW destroy 14 villages

The 24 MW Bhilangana – III Hydro Power Project is currently being established at the Bhilangana river, the tributaries of Bhagirathi River in the Tehri District in the State of Uttarakhand and has applied for CDM in January 2008. Further to some alarming hints by NGOs in Delhi, we visited the dam area. The findings …

Implications of the possible inclusion of CCS as CDM project activities (Newsletter #3)

The inclusion of Carbon Capture and Storage in geological formations (CCS) in the CDM is currently being discussed in the framework of the UNFCCC. In preparation for the 5th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP5) to take place in Copenhagen, in December 2009, the Board was requested to assess the implications of …

Harmful and non-additional projects under consideration at this meeting (Newsletter #3)

Currently there are 31 projects under review at the CDM Executive Board. During this meeting the members will decide upon the registration or rejection of these projects. Another 41 projects will be discussed for which request of review has been submitted by eitherone of the parties involved and/or three Executive Board members. Action to be …

Strong guidance to improve additionality testing is needed (Newsletter #3)

During their next meeting, the Board will finally have the chance to improve additionality testing when it will consider new guidance to the barrier test “first-of-its-kind” and the “common practice analysis”. After a lengthy struggle between the European and Chinese/Indian members of the Executive Board who did not agree on the stringency of the criteria, …

Non-compliance by DOEs should be sanctioned (Newsletter #3)

During the upcoming meeting, the Board will agree on the draft policy framework to monitor performance and address non-compliance by DOEs. Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) are accredited third party entities that are responsible for evaluating proposed CDM project activities against requirements established by the COP/MOP and the CDM Executive Board (validation) and verifying that the …

The Board must resist pressure to re-examine NM0297 (Newsletter #3)

At their last meeting, the EB rejected the new methodology NM0297 which would apply to project activities that reduce emissions in degraded tropical peat whose combustibility has been enhanced by artificial drainage for agriculture or another economic purpose and which is exposed to ongoing fire risk. As referred to in the Board’s annotated draft agenda, …

Revision of HFC-23 methodology still ignored by the Board (Newsletter #3)

Again on CDM Watch’s agenda for the third consecutive Newsletter is the issue of HFC-23 methodology AM0001. The Swiss non-governmental organization Noe21 submitted a request for revision of the methodology AM0001 for HFC-23 destruction to the Board in December 2007. The revision request aims to address perverse incentives in this methodology. Although the request was …

Board fails to address carbon leakage from adipic acid projects (Newsletter #3)

In a bold move, the CDM Executive Board overruled at its last meeting the recommendation by the Meth Panel on how „existing capacity“ should be interpreted for projects that reduce N2O emissions from adipic acid production. This decision will result in continued issuance of CERs that do not present real emission reductions, given the significant …

Hydro Power in India – a grotesque business

This week I attended a meeting on the “Mullaperiyar water conflict” between Tamil Nadu and Kerala, organised by The Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India. The conflict leads back to a lease agreement signed in 1886 on perhaps the first formal inter-state, inter-basin water sharing transfer in India – leading to the …