Large hydro power up for registration despite serious protests by local communities (Newsletter #5)

The 24 MW Bhilangana – III Hydro Power Project is currently being established at the Bhilangana river, the tributaries of Bhagirathi River in the Tehri District, Northern India. The project has applied for CDM in January 2008 and is has now requested registration. Further to some alarming hints by local communities, CDM Watch visited the …

The Folly of CDM Credits for Supercritical Coal (Newsletter #5)

On September 17, 2007, the CDM Executive Board adopted ACM0013, “Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for new grid connected fossil fuel fired power plants using a less GHG intensive technology.”  The methodology contemplates the award of saleable CDM credits for the construction of new, coal-fired power plants that use “super-critical” technology, which is more efficient …

National appropriate mitigation actions to tackle additionality concerns of wind power in China (Newsletter #5)

While eyes are set on the design of a flexible mechanism post-2012 during the upcoming COP-15, the Board could already give a spin to the upcoming discussions by eliminating technologies where additionality is highly unlikely from the CDM. In addition to Chinese wind power projects, this would be the case for Chinese and Indian large …

CDM Workshop Statement

download pdf file New Delhi, India. NGOs, activists and citizens are very concerned about the development of the CDM over the past years and condemn its current design. On 16 November 2009, more than 80 representatives of NGOs, activists and citizens of Armenia, Bangladesh, India and Uganda gathered at a workshop in New Delhi to …

MAUSAM…talking climate in public spaces

download pdf file In a collective effort by several Indian NGOs, another important issue of Mausam – meaning ‘climate’ in Hindi – was published in September 2009. With the aim to initiate persistent and critical dialogues in ‘public space’ on the capitalism-induced climate change and its bogus market solutions, i.e. CDM, the magazine addresses a …

Revision of HFC-23 methodology (Newsletter #4)

Again on CDM Watch’s agenda for the fourth consecutive Newsletter is the issue of HFC-23 methodology AM0001. The Swiss non-governmental organization Noe21 submitted a request for revision of the methodology AM0001 for HFC-23 destruction to the Board in December 2007. The revision request aims to address perverse incentives in this methodology. Although the request was …

Non-additional projects under consideration at this meeting (Newsletter #4)

One fundamental flaw with the CDM is the need to prove the additionality of each project. A project is additional if it was built only because of the extra income from selling CERs – meaning that the project would not have happened if there was not extra CER income. If a project would happen anyway …

Additionality testing differentiating between multinationals and local SMEs (Newsletter #4)

The EB will again tackle the assessment of additionality at its next meeting and will in particular discuss draft guidelines for objective demonstration and assessment of barriers. A barrier analysis requires demonstrating that barriers exist that would prevent the proposed project from being carried out if the project activity was not registered as a CDM …

Pressure by DOEs to limit their liability (Newsletter #4)

During the next meeting, the Board will consider the “concept of materiality”, which would limit the liability of DOEs for errors in checking data in PDDs and accompanying documents. In theory, DOEs are held responsible for any CER which may be inappropriately issued. In such cases, DOEs have to replace a corresponding amount of “valid” …