Press Release: Call to ban CDM projects linked to human rights abuses

Brussels. This week the United Nation’s Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board will decide whether to register a controversial carbon offsetting project in Honduras linked to serious human rights abuses. The project has triggered questions on whether credits from carbon offsetting projects that violate human rights should be banned in the European carbon market.

Press Release: UN Panel Calls for Immediate Suspension of Coal Power Projects

Marrakesh, Morocco. In a note published yesterday, a UN panel of technical experts called to immediately suspend coal projects under the Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) after an analysis revealed that current rules could lead to millions of artificial carbon credits. The CDM Executive Board is expected to make a decision at its upcoming meeting beginning 11 July in Marrakesh.

HFC-23 update: UN bodies stall, EU moves ahead (Newsletter #15)

Latest HFC-23 news at a glance: EU has made progress: HFC-23 carbon credits are banned in the EU ETS as of May 2013 At the last Environment Council meeting in June 2011, 16 EU Member states extended the EU ETS ban on HFC-23 CDM project credits to their national targets in non-traded sectors  (e.g. agriculture …

CDM waste methodologies in the spotlight. Guest Article by GAIA (Newsletter #15)

Guest article by Mariel Vilella – Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives[1] (GAIA) has been closely examining CDM waste management projects. Most CDM municipal waste management projects are problematic for three main reasons: They help perpetuate waste management strategies that prevent truly sustainable and more cost-effective options They usually threaten the …

Why coal projects threaten the integrity of the CDM. Guest article by Sierra Club (Newsletter #15)

Guest article by Steve Herz, Justin Guay from Sierra Club Update! CDM Executive Board called to suspend coal projects The upcoming 62nd Executive Board Meeting is promising to be very exciting. Just as we finalised this newsletter, we found out that the CDM Methodology Panel is recommending to the CDM Executive Board that they suspend …

The Mandate to Protect Human Rights in the CDM (Newsletter #17)

Over the past months, allegations about CDM projects related to human rights violations have increased pressure on international policy makers to address this issue at the upcoming UNFCCC conference in Durban. CDM Watch believes that the United Nations, including the CDM Executive Board, as well as the European Union and other buyers have a mandate …

Press Release from Danish Ministry for Climate: Broad support for Danish initiative against industrial gas climate credits

Broad support for Danish initiative against industrial gas climate credits 21-06-2011 Denmark today obtained support from Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovenia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Malta, Latvia and Bulgaria on its political declaration against industrial gas credits. The Danish Minister for Climate and Energy, Lykke Friis, has in the …

Press Release: EU Subsidies to Super Greenhouse Gas Producers Must End

Brussels.Following commitments by numerous EU Member States to extend the recent ban on the use of credits from industrial gas projects in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) to sectors not covered by the ETS, pressure is mounting on the remaining EU countries to follow suit during tomorrow´s meeting of the EU´s Environment Ministers meeting in Brussels. Environmental groups are urging all EU Member States to follow Sweden´s example by committing to apply the ban even before 2013.

Call for Member States to extend EU Industrial Gas Ban (Newsletter #14)

On 21 January this year, EU Member States banned offsets from industrial gas projects from being used under the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The ban, which takes effect in 2013, was approved by all 27 EU member states and was hailed by environmental campaigners as a shining example of the willingness of Member …