EU lawmakers give green light for key climate law – what’s next?

After almost two years of intense negotiations, this week the European Parliament will give its final approval for the Climate Action Regulation, which aims to reduce emissions from transport, agriculture, buildings and waste management. Implementation will determine how effective this key climate law will be in helping Europe achieve its Paris climate goals. Covering over …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – October 2017

Editorial In less than two weeks, the climate community will gather in Bonn to discuss how to put the landmark Paris climate deal into action. When it comes to markets, rather than rushing to lock in rules that repeat past mistakes, it is important to ensure that future measures truly increase climate action and foster sustainable …

EU governments miss chance to align key climate law with Paris Agreement

BRUSSELS 13 OCTOBER 2017. Today, the EU environment ministers adopted their position on the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) which covers emissions from the transport, building, agriculture and waste sectors in the 2021-2030 period. As the EU’s largest climate tool, the ESR is key to implementing the Paris Agreement in Europe. Loopholes adopted today by the …

Closing the loopholes in the EU’s centerpiece climate law

This piece was first published on Euractiv on 9 October 2017 EU member states can enable the upscaling of good examples of local climate action by closing loopholes in the Effort Sharing Regulation, a centerpiece of the EU’s climate policy, write Claire Roumet and Femke de Jong. This week, the EU environment ministers will adopt …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – June 2017

Editorial US President Trump’s announcement to withdraw from the Paris Agreement casts a shadow over financial support for developing countries to help them deal with the consequences of climate change and transition towards sustainable, low-carbon societies. New leadership is needed to fill in the climate finance gap. Responsible for almost 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the shipping …

European Parliament improves key climate law but fails to close all loopholes

STRASBOURG 14 June 2017. Today, the European Parliament voted on the Effort Sharing Regulation which covers the emissions from the transport, building, agriculture and waste sectors in the 2021-2030 period. While strengthening the EU’s largest climate tool, the Parliament position leaves loopholes in the draft law that risk postponing emission reductions in these sectors. The …

#EUESR day of Action

Today, June 7, dozens of NGOs based in different EU Member States are participating in a Day of Action on the Effort Sharing Regulation by sending a letter to their governments, calling on them to push for an ambitious #EUESR. The Effort Sharing Regulation is Europe’s largest policy tool to reduce the climate impact of …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – May 2017

Editorial This month, negotiations on the Paris Agreement implementation continued at the UN climate conference in Bonn, but little progress was made in the closed door talks on future carbon markets. The eventual outcome of these negotiations is set to impact the aviation industry’s new offsetting scheme CORSIA. Ensuring environmental integrity and avoiding double-counting of emission reductions …

Who is still pursuing the Paris climate goals in Europe?

This article was first published on Euractiv on 29 May 2017 As the negotiations on Europe’s key climate policies draw to an end, it is time to take stock and ask if Europe, a self-proclaimed climate leader, is really delivering on its international commitments, writes Femke De Jong. Two months ago we released a ranking showing Sweden, …

EU lawmakers reduce loopholes in key climate law

BRUSSELS 30 May 2017. The European Parliament’s environment committee voted today to limit loopholes in the EU’s key climate legislation, preventing  European countries from stalling emissions reductions in sectors such as agriculture and transport. EU environment ministers must go further to maximise the low-carbon potential of the law as they prepare to adopt a joint …