EU industry strategy fails Green Deal test

BRUSSELS 10 March 2020. The European Commission’s new industrial strategy provides a strong narrative on the need to decarbonise Europe’s industrial sector but fails to put forward concrete measures to drive the transformation and address barriers on the road to climate neutrality. Carbon Market Watch calls for a swift adoption of industrial climate policies including …

Why the Green Deal needs a strong industrial climate plan

Welcome to Carbon Countdown, a podcast by Carbon Market Watch covering all things carbon pricing, climate action and just transition Episode 1: Why the Green Deal needs a strong industrial climate plan Music: Ambient Technology by Joystock – What are we talking about today? We discuss the upcoming EU industrial strategy, in which the …

EU carbon market state aid rules moving in the right direction – but not far enough

New EU state aid guidelines for compensating industry for higher electricity costs under the EU carbon market reduce the number of eligible sectors and limit aid to those investing in energy efficiency. However, if this so far inefficient and expensive scheme is to continue, further significant improvements are needed to ensure that it helps Europe …


Scroll down for French and Spanish Welcome to this latest edition of the WT! (Watch This!). In this edition we bring you campaign updates from COP25 in Madrid, Spain and actions from around the globe to sound the alarm bells on the climate crisis.   Carbon Markets @ COP25  Negotiations on carbon markets have moved slow …

Taxing carbon at the EU border? Only if free pollution permits go

First published on Carbon Pulse October 17, 2019 As part of her “European Green Deal”, incoming EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has promised to introduce a carbon border tax to “ensure that European companies can compete on a level playing field”. This is a new wind coming from the executive branch of the European Union …

Pricing pollution can drive green growth 

New report busts industry competitiveness myths Carbon pricing can unlock the potential for innovation and boost new low-carbon businesses. Contrary to industry claims, it plays only a limited role in companies’ location and investment decisions. Sectors such as cement where transport costs are high are unlikely to lose competitiveness due to carbon pricing.  The months …


European businesses need clear direction, not populism

A strong and clear political climate commitment leading to the right policies and measures will help Europe’s industry thrive in a zero-carbon world. Last week, a veto by the Polish, Czech, Estonian and Hungarian governments led to the failure of the long-awaited endorsement of the EU’s long-term climate strategy and commitment to climate neutrality by …

Why we need more than just the EU carbon market to tackle industrial pollution

First published on Euractiv on 2 May 2019 Latest data shows that the market-based solution alone is not enough to cut carbon pollution from heavy industry in line with the Paris Agreement goals. A new industrial policy mix is needed to ensure Europe is on a pathway to net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, writes Agnese Ruggiero. …

Industry should stop clinging on to pollution freebies and start focusing on climate solutions

A Luxembourg court has confirmed that its government can reclaim free pollution permits that were given to steelmaker ArcelorMittal to cover emissions at a closed plant under the EU Emission Trading System. While the big polluters cling on to the very profitable free allocation under Europe’s carbon market, solutions exist that would set the industry …