Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – October 2020

Green Commitment Or Greenwashing? Since last year, Shell has been offering European motorists “carbon neutral” driving and recently Total announced that it is now selling “carbon neutral” liquified natural gas. Are the fossil fuel giants going green? No, we are not talking about electric car charging stations or renewable fuels. Both Shell and Total are …

Airlines continue to push against climate policies as EU Commission proposes new rules

Airlines have been hit hard by the pandemic induced economic slowdown and travel restrictions, but are also using the situation as an excuse to lobby even harder against climate regulations. As the EU works on its aviation climate package, it must ensure that – like other transport modes – the sector pays for its pollution …

“Offsetting must not be a license to continue polluting”

We joined the World Press Clubs Alliance for Climate launch event on Friday 23 October. Watch the interview with Sabine Frank here. Companies and governments are announcing “climate-neutrality” targets, and consumers are being offered ways to offset their carbon footprint. What does this mean in practice? How can we distinguish between real climate action and …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – September 2020

Europe’s renewed climate commitment under scrutiny Dear friends, The European Commission has proposed to strengthen Europe’s 2030 climate target to at least 55%. While a very positive development, the new target nevertheless falls short of what science says is needed for the EU to do its share to keep global warming at safe levels. Critically, …

Airlines’ golden (corona) life jacket makes a mockery of the green recovery

It’s been a rough few months for the aviation sector around the world, as most aircraft have not left the tarmac and major airlines are losing millions every day. But the industry has used the situation very effectively to push governments to weaken climate policies. The same governments are handing out multi-billion euro bailout packages, …

Watch This! – Civil Society Newsletter – Q2

Scroll down for French and Spanish COVID recovery needs environmental strings attached Dear members, colleagues and friends, Recent months have been testing times for so many, as the global pandemic continues to pull on the very fabric of our societies.  While many countries around the world continue to battle the health crisis, others are already looking at how their economies can start to recover from the …

What’s next for the aviation sector?

Scroll down for French and Spanish Interview with (Andrew Murphy – Manager, Aviation at NGO Transport & Environment) For decades the aviation industry has enjoyed favourable conditions to expand its operations throughout Europe with little consideration of their climate impact. At the start of 2020, few could have predicted that the sector’s carbon emissions would …

Corporate climate lobbying in times of corona

Welcome to Carbon Countdown, a podcast by Carbon Market Watch covering all things carbon pricing, climate action and just transition Episode 2: Corporate climate lobbying in times of corona Carbon Market Watch · [Carbon Countdown] EPISODE 2: Corporate climate lobbying in the times of corona Music: Ambient Technology by Joystock – The Covid-19 debate …

Lead EU lawmaker’s strong call for climate action

4 key takeaways from MEP Guteland’s draft EU Climate Law report The lawmaker in charge of the EU Climate Law at the European Parliament proposes that the EU adopts a 65% emission target for 2030 and carbon budgets in line with the latest scientific data. She also calls on all EU governments to endorse the …