Civil society participation in (I)NDCs: building on the legacy of NAMAs

Scroll down for French and Spanish Experience with Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) should be taken into account when implementing Nationally Determined Contributions. This article provides lessons learned from stakeholder engagement in NAMAs implementation and recommendations on how to ensure all-inclusive stakeholder consultation in the framework of the Paris Agreement. On 4 November 2016 the …

Will G20 leaders keep their promise to end fossil fuel subsidies?

The upcoming G20 meeting will be a chance for the world’s most influential economies to put an end date to subsidising fossil fuels. Civil society is calling for the leaders to speed up the ratification of Paris agreement and commit to a phase out of fossil fuel subsidies by no later than 2020. The G20 …

European Parliament committee calls for higher ambition in EU’s carbon market reform

The first committee of the European Parliament to cast an opinion on the revision of the EU’s carbon market this week voted for more climate ambition and the establishment of an international climate action fund. A majority of members of the development committee supported an increase in the rate by which emissions are cut each …

How EU’s carbon market can scale up international climate finance

Scroll down for French and Spanish The EU can use its Emission Trading System (ETS) to provide an innovative and substantial source of international climate finance much needed in developing countries. The ongoing EU ETS revision provides a great opportunity to establish a new ETS International Climate Action Reserve, which could channel over €3 billion …

Green Climate Fund under pressure after accrediting contested banks

Despite strong opposition from the civil society, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board last week in Songdo accredited two entities – HSBC and Crédit Agricole – that have been contested for money laundering, investment in fossil fuel and poor protection of human and environmental rights. This unveils the double standard poor track record plays in accrediting big or small entities.

The missing ingredients for successful climate mitigation

During the Paris negotiations in December publication of Carbon Market Watch’s policy brief revealed that long-term success of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) depends on having clear guidelines on stakeholder consultations, oversight of sustainable development impacts and sector-specific environmental criteria. The strategic plan for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the NAMA Facility revision process are crucial opportunities to acknowledge these success factors.

WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #13: How NAMAs CAN add fuel to INDCs

Scroll down for French and Spanish Future of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) post 2020 is still unclear. This article shows how they could greatly contribute to support the mitigation and development objectives of developing countries, including by helping to design and implement Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). In Paris, countries are to adopt an …

WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #13: NAMAs

Scroll down for French and Spanish NAMAs state of play NAMA development has increased significantly in the past years, with 30% more NAMAs in development since December 2014. According to the NAMA Database by Ecofys,[i] which tracks NAMA development worldwide, up to October 2015 there were 162 NAMAs at different stages across 51 countries. NAMAs …

WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #13: Will the Paris agreement build on the momentum of SDGs?

Scroll down for French and Spanish The new universal sustainable development agenda underlines the need for sustainable development and climate change to be addressed simultaneously through coordinated efforts. It will be on the shoulders of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Parties to keep the ball rolling towards a climate agreement that …