WATCH THIS! NGO Voices on Climate Finance & Carbon Markets #20 – October 2017

Scroll down for French and Spanish Editorial Dear partners, dear friends, Welcome to the 20th edition of our Watch This! Newsletter. In this edition, we introduce two of Carbon Market Watch’s new working topics: international shipping emissions and carbon pricing. On both issues, the involvement of the network will be key, as a vital counterweight …

WATCH THIS! NGO Voices on Climate Finance & Carbon Markets #18 – March 2017

Scroll down for French and Spanish Editorial Dear partners, colleagues, allies, On the occasion of this first 2017 Watch This Edition, we would like to consult you. The years to come will be critical to determine if carbon markets actually contribute to the fight against climate change and to the transition towards a low carbon …

Will carbon markets be part of the climate change solution?

Scroll down for French and Spanish Climate campaigners looking for progress in the Marrakech negotiations went away disappointed. The election of Donald Trump as US president shortly after the meeting started cast a gloom over the talks, only slightly lifted by the most vulnerable countries committing to transition to 100% renewable energy. Market negotiators at the …

WATCH THIS! NGO Voices on Climate Finance & Carbon Markets #16 September 2016

Scroll down for French and Spanish Editorial Dear partners, Since the beginning of the year, international aviation has been very high on our international advocacy agenda. As explained in previous editions of this newsletter, our priority is to ensure that the aviation sector will do its fair share in fighting climate change. Thanks to your …

Aviation campaign: join our last call before the ICAO Assembly

Scroll down for French and Spanish ICAO’s General Assembly is rapidly approaching but the negotiations have left us the MBM in a state of massive uncertainty. On September 27, a coalition of NGOs will organise a final online blast, through Thunderclap, calling ICAO to #Flight4Climate. Carbon Market Watch calls on its supporters and partners to …

Barro Blanco: communities flooded despite rejected agreement – NGOs ask for withdrawal of CDM’s registration

On September 17, Ngäbe people rejected an agreement between top representatives and the government, signed only a month before. In the meantime, the test filling of the reservoir resumed which has flooded affected communities. Carbon Market Watch along with 80 other local and international NGOs, have called on the Panamanian authorities to withdraw the Barro …

Barro Blanco: flooding suspended, international lenders pressured to act

Faced with intense national and international pressure, Panamanian authorities suspended the flooding of the Barro Blanco reservoir two weeks after it began. International lenders are being pressured by international NGOs as they have a key role in settling the situation. On May 22nd, Panama’s National Authority for Public Services (ASEP) announced a “test flooding” of …

Carbon Market Watch aviation campaign going full speed

Scroll down for French and Spanish Ahead of the highly anticipated agreement on aviation scheduled to be adopted next October, Carbon Market Watch has taken the initiative to call countries and airlines to push for an ambitious, binding, environmentally robust deal to address aviation emissions. A new infographic was recently published to maintain pressure. In …

WATCH THIS! NGO Voices on Climate Finance & Carbon Markets #15 June 2016

Scroll down for French and Spanish Editorial Dear partners, dear friends, Welcome to the summer edition of Watch This!, our newsletter dedicated to civil society! As you may know, a crucial climate agreement is on the table for next October: member countries of the United Nation’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will decide how the …

Barro Blanco: Panama urged to suspend hydro dam flooding amid growing concerns over human rights violations

Scroll down for French and Spanish In a move to bring the contentious Barro Blanco hydro dam project towards its completion, the Panamanian authorities have given the green light to begin flooding the reservoir. Affected indigenous communities still oppose the project, refusing to leave their endangered lands. Carbon Market Watch and other international NGOs have …