Now is the time to upgrade Europe’s aviation pollution rules

This article was first published on Green Air Online on 11 July 2017 Wed 12 July 2017 – Yesterday, the European Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI) voted on how the aviation sector should be treated under the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), in response to a decision by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to set …

Lead EU lawmaker agrees that global aviation deal should not automatically replace Europe’s carbon market

The European Parliament’s negotiator on aviation emissions has proposed to bring international flights back under the EU’s carbon market if the global aviation deal to tackle emissions is deemed insufficient.  Ambition in the sector remains low, but the draft report calls for higher auctioning shares, a timely review comparing EU and international aviation policy, and …

Global aviation deal used to prevent Europe’s ambition for the sector

Scroll down for French and Spanish A discussion is picking up steam in Europe about ambition in addressing aviation emissions after the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) created a global offsetting scheme last fall. Citing the ICAO measure, airlines have now set about trying to weaken the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Though still …

Europe must not backslide on aviation’s climate responsibility

The European Parliament’s environment committee has nominated Julie Girling from conservative group ECR to lead talks on aviation’s role in the EU’s Emissions Trading System. Discussing the European Commission’s most recent proposal to continue the exclusion of international flights from the EU ETS, Ms Girling urged colleagues not to let Europe slip back on gains already made to curb the sector’s growing climate impact.

Planes and ships too must act on climate say EU lawmakers

Last week, the European Parliament adopted its position on the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). While overall the position falls short of a true reform, the EU lawmakers did decide to include shipping in the EU ETS in the absence of climate action at the global level, and strengthened the rules for the aviation sector.

ICAO’s measure not in line with the Paris Agreement

Scroll down for French and Spanish Carbon Market Watch’s aviation campaign was a prominent feature of 2016, as countries were set to adopt the first measure to address international aviation’s role in fighting climate change. Despite the array of online actions taken by civil society (thank you to all of you who participated) the ICAO …

Forests must not be used to undermine climate commitments

Forests and land-use remain a contentious issue in climate negotiations but are an essential part of many countries’ climate pledges. The sector should be used as an additional climate tool, not as an excuse to reduce ambition in others. At the UN climate conference in Marrakesh, discussions on land use remained gridlocked because of the …

More work needed to make aviation’s climate tool fit for purpose

Climate action is multiplying outside of the UN climate talks (UNFCCC), from the Kigali Agreement on the highly potent greenhouse gas HFCs to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agreeing to offset emissions from international aviation. Nevertheless, they all have connections to the UNFCCC where the bulk of the world’s effort against climate change is managed. …

Can a robust aviation climate deal take off?

In its Assembly from 27 September to 7 October, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is expected to agree on an offsetting scheme to address the sector’s ever growing greenhouse gas emissions. Several improvements are needed before the Global Market Based Measure (GMBM) can even be called an acceptable first step to curb emissions from aviation. …

Pressure builds on aviation leaders to reach a deal on emissions

Last week from 11 – 13 May ICAO, the global body responsible for civil aviation, held a High-level Meeting with all 191 Member States in Montreal. On the agenda: a global market based measure (GMBM) to address emissions from aviation. The meeting saw some progress around wording of the review clause and emissions unit criteria, but threats of delaying implementation beyond 2020 could derail urgently needed climate action.