BLOG: What ICAO’s high level group need to consider

ICAO has convened a group of countries to continue negotiating the details of its proposed market-based measure, called the Carbon Offsetting Scheme for International Aviation (COSIA) in the most recent draft proposals. This high level group meeting, from the 14th-15th of April, aims to find common ground on contentious political decisions for the proposal that will be agreed (or not…?) by all at October’s ICAO Assembly.

Direction of aviation’s market based mechanism still up in the air

“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.” ― Henry David Thoreau Unfortunately for Thoreau, humans did conquer the skies, and aviation is now a significant contributor to climate change, contributing more CO2 to the atmosphere in 2014 than the combined emissions of the 129 lowest emitting countries[i]. …

What future for offset credits and carbon markets?

We are concerned to see that the L.6 text leaves open the option of continuing to generate and trade offset credits. If we are going to keep global average temperature increases below 1.5ºC, we need to be achieving the decarbonisation transformation. Written by Katherine Watts, International Climate Policy Advisor at Carbon Market Watch Use of offsets effectively …

Elephants in the room – time to trumpet the need for emissions cuts from aviation and shipping

Despite being major sources of emissions, international aviation and shipping are remaining below the radar of many negotiators in Paris – they are the elephants in the room. This is a shame, as together they account for around 5% of global CO2 emissions and have massive growth rates in emissions anticipated (50-250% by 2050 for …

WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #13: Is all carbon created equal?

Scroll down for French and Spanish One of the reasons climate change is so difficult to address is the sheer range of sources and sectors that contribute to the problem. Some policies and measures are targeted to address certain sources, but one of the perceived advantages of carbon markets is that they allow a number …

UN offers new marketplace for stranded carbon offsets

Brussels, 22 September 2015. Today, at the climate week in New York, the UN launched the “Climate Credit Store”- a new online platform to purchase carbon offsets generated by its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The initiative attempts to boost demand for CDM credits on the voluntary carbon market and for the aviation sector but fails to dodge the sale of bogus carbon offsets.