Effort sharing on the agenda

The EU Member States and the European Parliament have begun to work on a major piece of EU climate legislation that covers 60% of the bloc’s greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon Market Watch has analysed the Commission’s proposal and suggests ways to improve it.

EU’s largest climate tool must be strengthened to deliver on Paris Agreement

Joint statement from Carbon Market Watch and Transport & Environment (T&E) on publication of EU climate policy designed to reduce emissions across sectors agriculture/transport/building/waste EC proposal includes potential loopholes – endangers real-world delivery of EU 2030 climate target Brussels 20 July 2016. Today, the European Commission proposed national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for EU …

EU’s flagship climate instrument used to subsidise coal in Central and Eastern Europe

The EU’s carbon market rules allow Central and Eastern European Member States to invest up to €12 billion in coal powered energy production. As representatives of the EU Member States are due to discuss the EU ETS this Wednesday, the new publication “Fossil fuel subsidies from Europe’s carbon market” adds momentum to the need to overhaul this policy.

International aviation could meet climate commitments using only high quality emission reductions, new report shows

Brussels, 22 October 2015. A new study by Oeko-Institut analyses for the first time potential carbon offset supply for a global market-based mechanism for international aviation emissions to be adopted in 2016. The study estimates that the entire demand could be met by carbon offsets from existing projects registered under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism. Even if applying exclusion criteria for contentious project types, such as coal power and other non-additional projects, the supply would still be sufficient for eight years.

Timarpur-Okhla, Waste incineration project, India

Project Title: The Timarpur-Okhla Waste management Company Pvt Ltd. (TOWMCL) integrated waste to energy project at Delhi Status: Registered Ref #: 1254 Project Methodology: Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes – AM0025 ver. 6 The Timarpur-Okhla Plant is a waste incineration project in India. It illustrates how the local recycling economy is threatened by …

JK Papermill – Afforestation project, India

Project Title: ‘Improving Rural Livelihoods through Carbon Sequestration by Adopting Environment Friendly Technology Based Agroforestry Practices’ Status: Registered Ref #: 4531 Project Methodology: Reforestation or afforestation of land currently under agricultural use – AR-AM0004 ver. 3 Land grabbing in India takes many forms including the expansion of monoculture plantations for carbon sequestration. Quite often it is private …