Carbon Market Watch Newsletter June 2021

Forestry offsets allow Colombian fossil fuel companies to dodge taxes Colombia has a carbon tax in place, but companies are allowed to buy offsets to avoid paying the tax.  Our new investigation finds that two large-scale Amazonian forestry projects have sold carbon credits for way more emission reductions than they have actually achieved. Such “hot …

How heavy industry is profiting from the EU carbon market

Welcome to Carbon Countdown, a podcast by Carbon Market Watch covering all things carbon pricing and climate action Episode 3: How the heavy industry is profiting from the EU carbon market Carbon Market Watch · [Carbon Countdown] EPISODE 3: How the heavy industry is profiting from the EU carbon market Music: Ambient Technology by Joystock …

Europe’s industry polluters make €50 billion in carbon market windfall profits

BRUSSELS, 7 June 2021 New analysis shows that the energy-intensive industry across Europe has profited up to €50 billion from 2008 to 2019 as a result of the free allocation of pollution permits under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The findings in the report from independent environmental consultancy CE Delft highlight the need …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – May 2021

Time to tackle the thorny issues at UN carbon market talks  Next week, UN negotiators continue the talks on the Paris Agreement’s Article 6 which lays the foundation for future global carbon markets. It is the last open element of the so-called Paris Rulebook to implement the global climate deal. Political leaders have failed to …

Carbon Market Watch is recruiting Communications Director

We are recruiting a highly motivated and experienced Communications Director for a full-time position, initially on a one-year contract with the intention of extension, starting as soon as possible.  The communications director will work in our Brussels’ office and remotely from a Belgian residence. S/he will report to our Executive Director and will lead on …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – April 2021

New hope for Europe’s carbon market? The latest EU carbon market data shows a record fall in CO2 emissions. But while the power sector pollution is on a steady decline year after year, for heavy industry, last year’s pandemic-induced drop is likely going to be short-lived. Industrial emissions in Europe have not reduced in the …

New 1bn USD initiative raises the bar for forest carbon credits, but risk of abuse remains

A joint reaction by Carbon Market Watch and the Rainforest Foundation Norway to the announcement of a new coalition to finance forestry climate projects BRUSSELS/OSLO 22 April 2021 In the context of the US President Biden’s “Leaders’ Summit”, today, the US, UK and Norway, together with Amazon, announced a 1 billion USD initiative to purchase …

Why Europe cannot rely on forests to meet its climate targets

EU Climate Law negotiators must keep emission reductions and forest protection as separate targets and agree to cut pollution by 65% over the next ten years.    Forests play a vital role as carbon sinks in efforts to avoid catastrophic climate change. They are essential for all life on Earth. They need protection so that they …

Lufthansa, BA, Air France were Europe’s most polluting airlines pre-Covid

Joint press release by Carbon Market Watch and Transport&Environment BRUSSELS 29 March 2021. Three of the biggest recipients of airline bailouts – Lufthansa, British Airways and Air France – were the three biggest European airline emitters before the pandemic grounded flights, official data shows.[1] It is the first time ever that the total emissions of …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – March 2021

A global shipping pollution price on the horizon As other industries have started paying for their pollution, the maritime sector has been let off the hook. Without urgent action, its emissions are set to rise well into the next decade. This trend goes against the Paris Agreement climate targets and the UN shipping agency’s IMO’s …