Recap of the 17th Board meeting of the Green Climate Fund

Scroll down for French and Spanish The Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) met for the 17th time at its headquarters in Songdo, South Korea in July 2017 to discuss important policy issues for the way forward. One key issue on the agenda was the approval of new accredited entities to the Board, including …

Financing partners face criticism as UN’s climate fund meets

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) board meets from 30 September- 2 October in Cairo, Egypt. Board members are expected to approve 16 funding proposals and accredit 5 new entities that will then be able to distribute funds. The GCF is under pressure to get on with the job of disbursing the 10 billion US dollars …

Fostering sustainable development through climate action – what should the future UN mechanism look like?

In May, climate negotiators will again gather to flesh out the rules to implement the landmark Paris climate agreement. One of the topics on the agenda is the Sustainable Development Mechanism. To be effective, the successor to the Clean Development Mechanism must guarantee real, measurable and long-term benefits both in terms of emission reductions and …

UN climate fund should learn from past mistakes and reject large hydro dam projects

In a controversial move, the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) has approved three large hydro dam projects, despite concerns raised by civil society on the extensive adverse social and environmental effects these projects can have. This development has to be seen very critically, especially considering past negative experiences under the Clean Development Mechanism …

Still no closure for UN offsetting scheme review

Scroll down for French and Spanish At the COP 22 climate conference in Marrakesh, countries continued debating the review of the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which will serve as a model for the newly established Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM). Parties generally shied away from controversial topics, such as demands to establish a grievance mechanism. …

Still no closure for UN offsetting scheme review

At the COP 22 climate conference in Marrakesh, countries continued debating the review of the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which will serve as a model for the newly established Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM). Parties generally shied away from controversial topics, such as demands to establish a grievance mechanism. In order for the CDM review …

In landmark decision, Panama withdraws UN registration for Barro Blanco hydrodam project

Marrakech, Morocco; Panama City, Panama – 10 November 2016: Last week, Panama withdrew its registration of the controversial Barro Blanco hydro dam project on grounds of stakeholder violation, a precedent under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). While this decision is a step in the right direction for climate action, lessons need to be learned …

Carbon markets in the Paris Agreement: what’s next on the negotiation agenda?

Scroll down for French and Spanish The Paris COP made strong provisions for markets and, non-market approaches. Next on the agenda is figuring out how these pieces work and fit together, what role they may play in a 1.5C scenario, how to improve and phase out the Kyoto Protocol’s measures (the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) …

Watch This! NGO Newsletter #14: Lessons from the CDM for the SDM and climate finance

Scroll down for French and Spanish In a historic step, the Paris agreement recognized the interconnectivity of climate change and human rights, specifying in its preamble that “Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights.” This also sets the foundation to make the newly established sustainable …