OMG(E)! Article 6 is Going Above and Beyond Offsetting! – ECO

Acronym’s abound in the UNFCCC process, and here’s another one… O-M-G-E stands for “overall mitigation in global emissions.” Say what?! The mechanism referred to in Article 6.4(d) of the Paris Agreement: “shall aim to deliver an overall mitigation in global emissions.” Yes, it’s wonky. So, let us try again: This is a mandate to reflect on the hard lessons …

The New Article 6: We Know What We Need (ECO: UNFCCC SB48)

Market negotiations resumed at full speed in Bangkok, with new text being published after only one day of negotiations. Parties are feeling the pressure now that COP24 is looming. We’ve started the session by hearing lists of priorities for items that could not be postponed to 2019 (assuming  that not all issues could be resolved …

Sham consultations, ruthless exploitation: CDM project experience in India

Guest article by Soumya Dutta, Beyond Copenhagen collective, India India hosts a big share of climate mitigation projects under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Many of these projects have blatantly violated the rights of affected communities and stakeholder consultations are carried out rarely if ever, writes Soumya Dutta. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was …

Carbonkiller buys out the bubble!

Carbonkiller is an initiative by the Dutch environmental organisation WISE that allows anyone to buy and destroy emission permits from the massively oversupplied European carbon market with the aim to raise the price and to increase public engagement in one of Europe’s key climate tools. The EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is Europe’s key …

‘Sharing experiences helps solve problems’ – Two days of intense climate action talks with Southern European NGOs

Guest article by Susana Pinto from Quercus About 25 non-governmental organisations from Southern Europe, including Portuguese Quercus, gathered in Madrid on 5 and 6 April to exchange experiences and to explore ways to collaborate on European climate policies. While Portugal is on the right track when it comes to areas such as renewable energy, more …

Watch This! NGO Newsletter #14 Member Spotlight – Tezulutlan Peoples’ Council

Scroll down for French and Spanish In this edition Maximo Ba Tiul, the head of international relations, presents the Tezulutlan Peoples’ Council, a member organisation of the Network that represents indigenous communities in Guatemala.  Could you introduce your organisation? The Tezulutlan People’s Council (Consejo de Pueblos de Tezulutlan, CPT) is a network of Q’echi, Poqomchi’, …

WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #13: Green Climate Fund Board in Zambia – Key Outcomes

Scroll down for French and Spanish Last week, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board held its last meeting before the upcoming climate talks in Paris. The Board approved its first eight projects in support of climate activities in developing countries, marking a major milestone in the evolution of the GCF. The projects were approved after …

WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #12: How the new Sustainable Development Agenda addresses Climate Change

Scroll down for French and Spanish The newly agreed Sustainable Development Goals offer a unique opportunity for more and better-coordinated climate action vis-à-vis poverty reduction that goes beyond the UNFCCC. This Agenda for the first time acknowledges climate change as sustainable development challenge and the need for countries to deal with both hand in hand. …