European People’s Party fails people and climate in its proposals for the Industrial Emissions Directive

Environmental and climate NGOs are expressing concern and frustration today in reaction to a report on the revision of EU industrial pollution laws. Instead of demonstrating that the times of ‘polluting as usual’ are over, the proposals submitted by Radan Kanev of the European People’s Party (EPP) completely ignore the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)’s aim …

Amplifier la dynamique des marchés internationaux du carbone en Afrique

Les marchés internationaux du carbone représentent une grande opportunité de développement pour les pays africains, écrit Anyssé Kenfack Ngnintedem*. Les marchés internationaux du carbone, plus spécifiquement le régime de compensation des émissions de CO2 dans le secteur de l’aviation civile internationale (CORSIA), représentent une grande opportunité pour les pays africains. Ils permettent non seulement aux …

What can we learn from the Dutch national carbon tax?

Guest article by Kirsten Sleven, Director, WISE As the first country in the world, the Netherlands is about to introduce a carbon tax on industrial pollution. The tax is part of a broader policy package (Dutch Climate Agreement) to stimulate major industrial polluters to ‘decarbonize’ their production processes and was drawn up in consultation with …

Member’s insight: A case of Coal Phase-In for India

Scroll down for French and Spanish This is a guest contribution by Chandrachur Ghosh, an expert on the coal sector. Under the Paris Agreement coal phase out commitments are a necessity if we are to meet the goal of staying below 1.5C warming. In recent years the world has witnessed increased divestment from coal and …

COP26 in the year of health emergency

Scroll down for French and Spanish * Update: Since COP26 was canceled, please read accordingly * Briefing by  Ed King Global Strategic Communications Council (GSCC) COP26 + COVID19 – Media factsheet  As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to worsen, major sporting, cultural and political events are either being postponed or cancelled. The UN’s climate body …