Carbon copy: MEPs vote for Emissions Trading System reforms they rejected two weeks ago

After being recently voted down in the European Parliament, the reform of the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) was successfully passed today. But there’s little cause for celebration: while the changes might appear favourable at first glance, a closer look reveals they are simply a minor facelift to the same set of polluter-friendly policies.

EU Parliament sends carbon market review back to the drawing board

In an unexpected turn of events in the European Parliament, a watered-down carbon market package was rejected by a majority of MEPs. The review of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) Directive was referred back to the Environment Committee and will now overlap with  Member States finalising their position later this month.

European Parliament’s compromise vote on EU carbon market compromises our ability to prevent climate breakdown

Despite some progress and a number of hardwon victories for the climate, MEPs on the European Parliament’s environment committee failed to raise the ambition of the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) to a level that would avoid catastrophic temperature rises.

Hollow corporate promises: How to stop false climate claims

Corporations are exaggerating their climate action, according to our recent report. But what are the next steps for those companies who truly want to reduce their impact on the climate? And how can governments stop false or misleading pledges sneaking into advertising? The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, a joint report from Carbon Market Watch and …

CBAM: Exploring MEP Chahim’s draft report

MEP Mohammed Chahim, the rapporteur of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Regulation in the Environment Committee at the European Parliament, is in charge of drafting a report that includes proposed changes to the European Commission legislative proposal. The draft report was published in December 2021 and will be used to inform and influence the …

European Parliament’s proposed carbon market revamp a licence for industry to pollute

The European Parliament’s draft report by MEP Peter Liese on revising the EU’s Emissions Trading System fails to strengthen the scheme’s climate targets while opening up multiple routes to hand out more free emission allowances and offer offsets, enabling heavy industries to profit from their pollution. German Christian Democrat MEP Peter Liese has released his …