Taking aim at the economic and climate crises – but do member states’ recovery plans really hit the target?

Italy, Spain, Hungary, and Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) may well be off-target (and Poland hasn’t published one yet). By not covering in sufficient detail all aspects of the green transition in their plans, these member states could be missing out on the chance to use EU recovery funds to tackle the economic …

EU’s Long Term Strategy offers hope for net-zero carbon future

Today, the EU Commission released its “Long Term Strategy for a Clean Planet For All”, an ambitious plan for Europe to tackle climate change and fulfill its commitment to the Paris Agreement. Carbon Market Watch welcomes the strategy, in particular the EU Commission’s open support for net-zero emissions by 2050. Of the 8 scenarios outlined …

Civil Society Statement on the Reform of European Agricultural Policies: Good Food, Good Farming – Now!

The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has contributed to this broken food and farming system through the promotion of agro-industrial farming methods and global commodity chains. In order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement, the EU must carry out a radical reform of the CAP and …

WATCH THIS! NGO Voices on Climate Finance & Carbon Markets #17 December 2016

Scroll down for French and Spanish Editorial Dear partners, As 2016 is coming to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have joined us in our multiple online actions throughout the year. Your engagement has led to a historical victory: In November, Panama’s government withdrew Barro Blanco’s …

Carbon Market Watch at COP22 in Marrakech

    Just after the Paris Agreement enters into force, the world will reconvene in Marrakesh to put the interpretive meat on the bones of the Paris Agreement, including on the role of carbon markets, notably Cooperative Approaches and the Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM) in Article 6. In elaborating the rules of Article 6, Carbon …

Atelier pour la société civile ouest africaine – LES POLITIQUES CLIMATIQUES « POST ACCORD DE PARIS » ET LEUR IMPACT SUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE, 11&12 octobre, Dakar

2015 a été une année décisive pour la lutte contre les changements climatiques, avec l’adoption de l’Accord de Paris,  de feuilles de route nationales climatiques (les CPDN), des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD)  mais aussi avec la mise en route du Fonds Vert pour le Climat. Bien que ces éléments soient encourageants, le plus gros …

NGOs and scientists challenge the Swedish Energy Agency – ‘Stop supporting false climate change solutions in Uganda’

Scroll down for French and Spanish The Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) has faced criticism for purchasing CDM carbon credits from a tree plantation project at Kachung, Uganda. The SEA signed a 20 year (2012-2032) purchase agreement with Norwegian company Green Resources, but later suspended payments due to problems with the project. In March 2016 the …