Press release: Call for UN carbon credit mechanism to reject Guatemalan project following allegations of murder and intimidation

Guatemala City -Brussels – In a meeting starting today, the Executive Board of the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will decide on whether to approve the Santa Rita Hydroelectric plant in Guatemala. The Peoples´Council of Tezulutlán and Carbon Market Watch call on the Board to reject this project because essential community consultation rules have been violated, tragically resulting in the alleged murders and intimidation of the affected community.

EU climate package to end access to international offsets

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the European Commission’s proposal to end the EU’s dependency on international offsets in its 2030 climate package but says the failure to address the current oversupply of 2 billion emission permits in the European emissions trading scheme will weaken the real-world impact of the new targets.    Eva Filzmoser, Director of Carbon …