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Carbon Market Watch welcomes new colleagues to Brussels team

Brussels 4 May 2016 Today Carbon Market Watch announces three new appointments designed to strengthen the organisation’s work in achieving a high level of environmental and social integrity in global climate policies in 2016 and beyond.

Aki Kachi has been appointed Director for International Policy. Aki will lead Carbon Market Watch’s work on global carbon markets, including on the establishment of a market based mechanism to tackle global aviation emissions. Prior to joining Carbon Market Watch, Aki worked as a climate policy consultant in Berlin concentrating on various design aspects of emissions trading schemes and offsetting mechanisms as well as providing technical support to the Secretariat of the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP).

Kaisa Amaral is the new Press Officer and will be responsible for planning and implementing media strategies and enhancing the organisation’s press relations. Before Carbon Market Watch Kaisa worked in the press service of the Permanent Representation of Finland to the European Union.

Barbara Herrero Cangas has joined as EU Policy Officer to work on the integrity of Europe’s largest climate instrument – the Effort Sharing Decision. Barbara’s previous experiences include working on  waste management policy at the European Commission, and conservation projects with an international research centre in Indonesia.

“We are very excited to welcome these motivated and talented colleagues. With this extended team, we are uniquely equipped to deliver on our work to uncover policy loopholes and advocate for market based mechanisms that contribute to tackling climate change,” said Executive Director Eva Filzmoser.

In other appointments Andrew Coiley has been named Director of Communications and Femke De Jong EU Policy Director. Andrew will be overseeing the work of the press and communications team. Femke will lead Carbon Market Watch’s EU campaigns, including the ongoing revision of the EU’s carbon market rules.

For more information about Carbon Market Watch’s team, see here.



Kaisa Amaral, Press Officer

Tel: +32 2 335 36 66


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