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MAUSAM…talking climate in public spaces

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In a collective effort by several Indian NGOs, another important issue of Mausam – meaning ‘climate’ in Hindi – was published in September 2009. With the aim to initiate persistent and critical dialogues in ‘public space’ on the capitalism-induced climate change and its bogus market solutions, i.e. CDM, the magazine addresses a series of issues and analyses climate policies in India. Moreover, it gives concrete analysis of certain CDM projects and scrutinizes companies and policies.

The current Mausam issue includes the following articles:

  • Glimpses of ‘clean’ development in India
  • Did the meteorological department mislead the nation on monsoon 2009?
  • Monsoon’s extreme make over
  • The Climate Politics Metals are obstructing political visions
  • Dark are the clouds: concerns from Karnataka
  • Himachal Pradesh Climate Change Policy: counting on credits
  • The Bhilangana dam on troubled waters
  • Atmospheric brown cloud and projected impacts
  • THE CDM SCAM: Case study on Jindal CDM projects in Karnataka
  • Wind power projects in Karnataka Case studies on CDM projects in Maharashtra
  • The inside story of the Reliance Sasan Power Ltd Waste-to-Energy Plants: clean or dirty?
  • Global Warming: what is to be done?

Happy Reading!


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